Luojiang, Deyang: Seed Rice Paints a Golden Canvas, Rural Revitalization Echoes with the Song of Harvest
CRI Online2024-08-27 14:27:10

In early autumn, the seed rice in Luojiang District, Deyang City, welcomes the harvest season. Stepping into the national-level seed production bases for rice and rapeseed in Shunhe Village, Diaoyuan Town, and Changyu Village, Lueping Town, the swaying of rice ears and the roar of harvesters together create a symphony of harvest.

Luojiang, Deyang: Seed Rice Paints a Golden Canvas, Rural Revitalization Echoes with the Song of Harvest_fororder_National Seed Production Base for Rice and Rapeseed

National Seed Production Base for Rice and Rapeseed

Luojiang, Deyang: Seed Rice Paints a Golden Canvas, Rural Revitalization Echoes with the Song of Harvest_fororder_Harvest Scene

Harvest Scene

"Rumble, rumble..." In the fields, the harvesters buzz rhythmically as skilled operators maneuver them back and forth across the golden fields. Bountiful rice ears are swept into the machines, where the grains are separated, the stalks discarded, and the rice safely stored in one seamless process. On the ridges, farmers happily busy themselves with bagging and loading the harvested rice, their faces alight with the joy of a bountiful harvest. The use of mechanized harvesting not only speeds up the process but also allows the shredded straw to be returned directly to the field, enriching the soil's fertility.

Luojiang, Deyang: Seed Rice Paints a Golden Canvas, Rural Revitalization Echoes with the Song of Harvest_fororder_National Seed Production Base for Rice and Rapeseed

National Seed Production Base for Rice and Rapeseed

In recent years, Luojiang District in Deyang has been closely aligned with the strategic goal of building a "Tianfu Granary" at a higher level for the new era, fully implementing the seed industry revitalization initiative. The rice and rapeseed seed production industry has been designated as the leading industry under the "One County, One Industry" strategy, with the district striving to establish a national model base for high-standard, double-season seed production of rice and rapeseed.

Under the clear blue sky, the air is filled with the fragrance of rice. As far as the eye can see, thousands of acres of high-standard farmland stretch across the landscape, with waves of rice fields undulating in the wind, harmonizing with the orderly village dwellings. A grand and beautiful scene of rural revitalization—where agriculture flourishes, fertile lands thrive, and farmers prosper—unfolds slowly across the land of Luojiang.(By Fan Yiling and Yang Wenhan)







