The Loong Boat Festival Activities held in Nanchong, Sichuan Province
CRI Online2024-07-17 17:53:44

Recently, activities celebrating the Loong Boat Festival were held in Nanchong, Sichuan province. Representatives of international students from China West Normal University, members of the Overseas Chinese Association and teachers and students from the University of Florida participated in these events to experience the traditional Chinese Loong Boat Festival culture.

南充市举办“粽享丝路 侨聚端午”活动_fororder_“粽享丝路-侨聚端午”活动现场-供图-西华师范大学国际学院

The Activity Scene [Photo Provided by CWNU International College]

Participants dressed in Hanfu, enjoying the charm of ancient Chinese architecture and the beautiful scenery of the Jialing River. They also had fun making traditional brushes and writing calligraphy. Additionally, they watched the North Sichuan Big Puppet Show, a local specialty of Nanchong, and made the Loong Boat dumplings on the Jialing River boats, deeply immersing themselves in the charm of traditional Chinese culture and the festive atmosphere of the Loong Boat Festival.

"China is beautiful. There is so much history and culture here. I'm looking forward to bringing my family here," said Erika Timalsina, a Nepalese student at China West Normal University.







