Volunteers from Three Universities Gather at Shenshuping for an In-Depth Giant Panda Conservation Experience
CRI Online2024-07-17 17:56:07

Volunteers from Three Universities Gather at Shenshuping for an In-Depth Giant Panda Conservation Experience

Recently, the giant panda conservation volunteer publicity teams from China West Normal University, Sichuan University, and Sichuan Agricultural University conducted volunteer publicity and training at the Wolong China Giant Panda Park Shenshuping Base.

三校志愿者齐聚神树坪 深度体验大熊猫保护之旅_fororder_活动合影-摄影-王璐

Group Photo of the Activity [Photo by Wang Lu]

On the day of the event, the Wolong Giant Panda Museum in China provided a comprehensive exploration tour about giant pandas for volunteers. Throughout the visit, volunteers listened attentively and asked questions, showing great interest and enthusiasm for giant pandas and their conservation.

三校志愿者齐聚神树坪 深度体验大熊猫保护之旅_fororder_大熊猫贤贤仔-摄影-王璐

The Giant Panda Xianxian Zai [Photog by Wang Lu]

Entering the Wolong China Giant Panda Park, under the leadership of the base staff of the base, the volunteers observed the pandas up close and learned about their growth, living habits, dietary characteristics and other aspects of their biology. Here, they encountered superstar Xiao Qiji, the busy  eater Yang Yang, and cute tree-climber Xianxian Zai.

三校志愿者齐聚神树坪 深度体验大熊猫保护之旅_fororder_大熊猫正在啃食竹子-摄影-王璐

The Giant Panda Munches on Bamboo [Photo by Wang Lu]

This event not only offered volunteers an in-depth understanding of giant panda Conservation work but also strengthened the publicity for the conservation of wild animals such as giant pandas. 







